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Desearch Repartment (early days) at Saabumenta XII (2007)

The Saab Art Lounge curators explore Documenta XII, sponsored by Saab.

“1,001 Ming- and Qing-dynasty chairs a component of Ai Weiwei’s Fairytale project for Documenta in which he will gather 1,001 Chinese people from the artist’s sprawling, blog-mediated social network, give them matching clothes and luggage, fly them en bloc to Kassel, billet them on bamboo bunks in Ai-designed temporary quarters inside an old textile factory, and set them to wandering the city for the three-month duration of the show, which opens June 16. A spokesperson at Ai’s studio says, To design also means to set up a condition, which makes individuals change. The project is about a new way to communicate, to participate, a new spiritual condition.. ”